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Frequently Asked Questions

What is gtmobi® Live platform

This where you can see the tracked objects or persons. You will also able to download report from this platform.

How do I see gtmobi® platform

You can access the platform by typing hhtps:// on your computer, tablet or phone browser. The web portal will open with a login and register page.

How do I start using gtmobi® platform

Register in our service platform with your email and set a password. Inform us by WhatsApp or email after registration along with your name and the object that you want to track. We will guide you through the subscription process and help you to connect your vehicle or personal GPS tracker to our platform. After this step you can log in to your platform account and start using our services.

What should I do to track my vehicle

To track your vehicle you need to fit a small GPS data uploading device in the vehicle. You can contact us for purchasing these devices. If you purchase devices from us, we will install it, activate and link the device to your account. After these are done, you can log in to your account and track your vehicle.

How do I read the terms and conditions of service

Please see the menu item Terms and conditions.